Doctor Who: 10 Biggest Cop Out Endings

Think there's nothing worse than a great episode ruined by a terrible ending? Read on!

By Mark White /

Imagine you're sat watching your favourite show, engrossed. Laughing with the characters, edging further and further off your seat with the drama, and tearing up when appropriate. It all boils down to the last five minutes... and it's such a let down, you tut, stand up, and head to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. There are a fair few TV shows that this scenario is applicable to, not least Doctor Who, a show that seems to divide its fandom right down the middle on a weekly basis. Just take to Twitter five minutes after the credits have ended; it would seem that episodes are either unbelievably incredible or undeniably poor, and the resolution of the episode plays a massive part to play in that. Just after the show's ended, we judge it by the finale, so regardless of how good a story is, you really have to tie it up well to make a good impression. But which are the worst offenders for an ending that's come out of nowhere? Let's take a look at the top ten and decide, and remember, these bizarre endings don't actually take away from the quality of the episodes. Which ones do you think are the biggest cop-out endings? Comment below!