Doctor Who: 10 Episodes That Could Have Happened

By Mark White /

Every decision we make, the Doctor tells us, triggers a parallel universe. The universes are stacked up against each other, differing in minor details from the last; there's a world out there in which Zeppelins loom over London, and an alternate timeline in which Area 51's base exists inside a pyramid. The possibilities are limitless: one can hope there's a place out there where 'The Curse of the Black Spot' never happened. Steven Moffat showed us a universe with no Doctor in 'The Name of the Doctor', but what about in our own world? What if he'd been radically different, and what if the show had taken a completely different path? What about those smaller details that never quite come to fruition? In the style of 'It's a Wonderful Life', here are ten plots that Doctor Who bosses decided to snub in favour of something else. And note: I've not just listed every single shelved episode, I've gone with what could have been. What would you change, though? As always, comment below with your thoughts!