Doctor Who: 10 Episodes That Could Have Happened

10. The Cartmel Masterplan

seventh doctor Quite possibly the most famous aborted Who storyline, the Cartmel Masterplan was a plot developed primarily by Andrew Cartmel, in which the Doctor was revealed to be more of a demi-god than many of his Time Lord contemporaries. And though hints were dropped about the possibility of the Doctor being there at the foundation of Gallifrey, the show's hiatus meant that the backstory was never fully tied up. Marc Platt's novel 'Lungbarrow' did realise many of the details originally planned for the series, but decided to rescue Susan Foreman from a distant past, to explain her origin. Let's make no mistake about it, Doctor Who would be totally different today if those episodes had gone ahead: the illusion of a silly old man who can't control his regenerations as well as the Master would be gone, if fans saw him as being as powerful as Rassilon, and it would probably be replaced with a darker, stronger Time Lord. He probably wouldn't have admitted to being a coward in front of the Dalek Emperor. He probably would've declared himself "Time Lord Victorious" sooner. Would the Time War have even happened? It's an unsurprising direction to take the Doctor though; Russell T Davies created the Time War and Steven Moffat's introduced the John Hurt Doctor, just to give the character a degree of mystery back.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.