Doctor Who: 10 Scenes That Had Us In Tears

He travels throughout time and space, and he sometimes makes you cry...

By Jamie Applegate /

Doctor Who, one of television's most venerated sci-fi shows, celebrated its 50th birthday on November 23rd with a two-hour long special and a variety of new documentaries. While Doctor Who is known in the fandom world as being quirky, unique, and for having a massively devote fan base I would like to argue that it should be known for something else: Its ability to make the its fans sob like a small child who just got their bike stolen. Doctor Who, while often goofy and light-hearted can also pack a massive emotional punch at times. Read on and check out some of the most heart-wrenching, soul-crushing moments that this show has offered up during its modern run. Beware. Spoilers lie ahead.

10. Rose Watches Her Father Die

Ah, "Father's Day." This episode involved the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler travelling back to the day a careless driver killed Rose Tyler's father. Rose makes the choice to save her father, altering the fabric of time itself in the process and attracting creatures that exist only to destroy time. Locked in a church with the wedding party her father was making his way toward when he was hit, she gets to speak with him and let him know who she is. While the entire episode is emotionally charged and definitely worth a few tears, it is the last scene in which Pete Tyler sacrifices himself to restore the correct timeline that always makes me sob. As he dies, Rose holds him in her arms. Dying alone in the timeline that existed before Rose saved him, he instead gets to die in his daughter's arms. It's a sob-worthy moment and provides a lot of wonderful character development for Rose.