Doctor Who: 10 Scenes That Had Us In Tears

9. The Tenth Doctor's Regeneration

On some level, every single regeneration is traumatizing in some way. I can't possibly imagine what it was like to watch the Doctor regenerate the first time or how people have survived watching this process for 50 years. While I definitely turned into a crying five year old watching the Eleventh Doctor's recent regeneration, everything about the Tenth Doctor's regeneration was worse. Between the Doctor taking his last moments to go and watch his former companions live their lives to his choice of Rose as his final visit, everything about this episode is heart-wrenching. We watch as The Doctor looks at all of the people he's loved and realizes that this is the end for his current form and these companions. It's made even worse by the fact that David Tennant was so well liked as The Doctor and so enthusiastic about the role. It feels like we aren't just watching The Doctor say goodbye. We're also watching someone say goodbye to his dream role. Finally, the words "I don't want to go" are probably etched on the psyche of every Whovian. They are some of the single most depressing words ever uttered on Doctor Who and one of the best summations of the end of an era.
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I'm a journalist with more than five years of experience writing for newspapers and I'm a graduate of University of California, Berkeley. I graduated in December 2012 with a B.A. in English Literature. I have previously written for Bloomberg Businessweek online, the Coalinga, California Coalinga Recorder newspaper and the UC Berkeley Daily Californian. I currently live in Central California