Doctor Who: 3 Things Wrong With The 50th Anniversary

By Hayley May Phillips /

Since the end of series seven and even before that, we've been eagerly anticipating Doctor Who's 50th anniversary episode. Finally, it came. I had such high hopes for this episode. Some of them were met €“ David Tennant and Matt Smith played off of each other really well, the banter between the pair was brilliant and John Hurt's more serious Doctor only heightened the humour. Hurt himself was also a really great addition to the show and played the part of an angrier, pained Doctor really well, even if the role could have easily been played by Christopher Eccleston. But then there were some things that, to me, just weren't right. Read on to find out what - but if you haven't seen it yet, watch out for spoilers.

3. The Zygon Story Didn't Have A Resolution

In true leaving-Hitler-in-the-cupboard style, Moffat strikes again with the Zygon story. It seems like these aliens were only really used as a filler to stretch out the suspense and to keep the episode going a little longer, as they didn't really do an awful lot. It was a pity, as they had a lot of potential €“ how had they come to capture Queen Elizabeth I? What were their plans? And most importantly, how did they resolve their issue? It was a really interesting set up €“ not knowing who was from what species, especially when two of them knew but didn't speak up (or did they?). Well, I guess we'll never know because they didn't finish the story! The Doctor's just swanned off to save Gallifrey and left the argument to resolve itself €“ surely not the best idea when there are killer aliens around in a bunker stocked with all sorts of powerful technology?