Doctor Who: 5 Reasons The Five-Ish Doctors Reboot Was Great Fun

By Chris Morley /

Amidst all of the hoopla surrounding The Day Of The Doctor, three incarnations of the Time Lord saw fit to have a little fun and rope in a few friends old and new into the bargain. And what better time for a jokey celebration than the 50th anniversary of that fateful day in 1963? While Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy are all old enough to remember the first time that eerie Radiophonic music heralded the arrival of their predecessor William Hartnell in "An Unearthly Child," age hasn't withered them or their Doctors €“ one listen to their Big Finish audios, whether it's the Fifth, Sixth or Seventh incarnation or two or more of them together/with other selves (as has been done a few times) and you can hear the chemistry between them. A special occasion demanded more and they delivered - not necessarily in the way you might expect, but what fun all involved clearly had. It was rather like the sort of story they might have told ad infinitum at fan conventions made wonderfully,hilariously real, as well as a rare chance for ex-showrunner Russell T Davies and successor Steven Moffatt to release their inner fanboys (Davies's favourite being the great Tom Baker's Fourth, episode-wise it's "The Ark In Space.") Moffatt, meanwhile, has admitted to having more than a sneaking preference for the Fifth. Well, he did pen "Time Crash" and proclaim "Kinda" and "Snakedance" as the two best Who stories ever. But could Davison and friends pull it off? Here's why they definitely did...