Doctor Who: 5 Reasons Why We Need A New Showrunner

By Ariana /

The internet has been infected and there are monsters in the wi-fi, but I'm not talking about aliens. Haters seem to have taken over Doctor Who's online fan base €“ in every corner of the internet people are loud and proud about their hatred of that moment in this episode, and this character, and that plot point. Yet Who is to blame for these issues? Every finger seems to point to current Doctor Who show runner Steven Moffat. The writer, once applauded by fans for his gripping stories in the first few seasons of DW's revival, has had many Whovians turn against him. While there is a huge gap in the number of vehement haters of his work online and the actual number among viewers, the disgust towards Steven Moffat on the internet can be overwhelming. Let me say this: I like Steven Moffat. His plot twists are undeniably mind-blowing, he takes full advantage of the freedoms of time travel, and the fairy tale element he has brought to Eleven's run is truly beautiful. So let's put down the pitchforks, stop shaking our fists and talk about this civilly. Here's why it's time for Moffat to go.