Doctor: 6 Things To Expect In Matt Smith's Farewell

By Nathan Smolinski /

Everyone remembers their first Doctor. More importantly, everyone remembers that traumatic moment their first Doctor regenerated into a complete stranger. For those who are new to Who, Matt Smith was their Doctor and this Christmas they too will get that chance to witness an event so painful it may very well scar them for years to come. Like a first breakup, we will go over these moments in our heads for years to come with, "What if..." and "Should've said that," moments. For your favorite Doctor, regeneration only happens once. Steven Moffat and Matt Smith only have one chance to get it right and let's hope they do. For those of us who refuse to be spoiled by the Sun, here are a few things we're hoping for in Matt Smith's upcoming Regeneration Spectacular and a few things you should look out for. We've already seen two regenerations this year but this is the big one. The Fall of the Eleventh. So grab your favorite fez and a box of tissues because this episode could be a rough one...