Doctor Who: 10 Best Episodes To Get You Into The Classic Series

With over 150 stories, knowing where to start with Classic Doctor Who can be confusing...

By Lewis Bunce /

Doctor Who is almost 57 years old and over all that time, there have been a fair few episodes. The classic series ran for 26 years before being cancelled, and it has some of the best episodes and Doctors in the show’s history.


With the recent animated recreation releases, and the continued interest NuWho has taken in the Doctor’s past, it’s clear that classic Who and the past adventures of our favourite cosmic hobo are becoming more and more popular. However, while Classic Who is fantastic, it can be difficult to watch at times, and finding the best episodes isn’t always as easy as you might think. This is primarily due to the war between fans of whether an episode is overrated or underrated, a long and unwinnable war that has been raging throughout time and space.

Opinions on stories differ, and even the best of the best are not enjoyed by all. However, some are more accessible for a new viewer, and this list is here to help you know which adventures you should watch so you can get a taste of the sweet custard that is Classic Doctor Who.

10. An Unearthly Child

The beginning is always a good place to start. An Unearthly Child was the first ever episode of Doctor Who, and features the first Doctor, played by William Hartnell, and his Granddaughter Susan, along with her teachers Ian and Barbara.


Now while it may seem logical to start at the beginning, this could potentially be a bit jarring for a fan who has only experienced NuWho. While the cast’s performance is exceptional, especially in the first episode, the story is in black and white (which isn't for everyone), but more importantly features the Doctor in a way that we have never really seen him. He is childishly stubborn, kidnaps Ian and Barbara, and even attempts to bludgeon a caveman with a rock. It isn’t until a few episodes in that he starts to warm to his TARDIS team and become the selfless, and quirky Time Lord we are now accustomed to.

An Unearthly Child is far from the best story, but seeing where it all began and how the TARDIS ended up looking like a police box is well worth the 90-minute runtime. Even if the Doctor is a bit more of a d*ck than usual.
