Doctor Who: 10 Most Controversial Mythos Changes Of NuWho
You can't even pretend these didn't happen.
Doctor Who has a long and mysterious mythology behind it. As you'd expect from a series all about time travel, the background world tends to change and develop a lot, though more surprisingly this isn't always a result of the time travel. The show started out with the Doctor and Susan as two mysterious travellers and the likes of Gallifrey, regeneration and even Time Lords came along later as the many creative teams added their own ideas to the mix. There have also been continuity issues caused by the constantly changing mythos of the show. The likes of Skaro, Atlantis and even Earth, for example, have been 'destroyed' multiple times in the main series and its various spin off media, and that's not to mention the fact that dates of events within the story keep changing and constantly conflicting. It's exhausting to say the very least. But, to paraphrase current showrunner Steven Moffat, it's quite difficult to have continuity issues in a show that embraces both time travel and parallel universes. After all, most things can be explained away by time changing. The new series has been no exception to the ever evolving Whoniverse and it has made many alterations and added new developments to the Doctor's established world. With the 10th anniversary of the revived series only just behind us, it's time to look at some of the biggest changes to the backstory since the Doctor returned to our screens began in 2005. Unfortunately, though, they're consequences have been so long lasting that you can't even pretend they didn't happen...