Doctor Who: 10 Most Controversial Mythos Changes Of NuWho

10. The Doctor's Age

In the Series 1 two parter, the Ninth Doctor gave his age as 900, a number later confirmed (admittedly with a couple of years added on) by the Tenth Doctor. Although this didn't seem to be that huge an issue, it still caused some conflict with the Classic Series. But then again, what does't? During his short lived reign, the Sixth Doctor also claimed that he was 900 years old. Given that there were two incarnations between him and the Ninth (or three with the introduction of the War Doctor), both of whom had considerable life spans of their own if the spin-off media is to be believed, fans were at a loss to explain how the Doctor managed to be younger in his Ninth incarnation that he was in his Seventh or Eighth. The War Doctor's suggestion that he was 800 threw another spanner into the works, with fan theories suggesting that he might have started counting again at the beginning of the Time War. Steven Moffat's own suggestion that the Doctor has long since forgotten his real age and just makes up a suitable sounding number seems that most likely, and seemed to be confirmed in The Day of the Doctor when the Eleventh suggested he might be lying about how old he was. Still, the change threw fans of the Classic Series into a headache inducing loop, so much so that it merited an inclusion on this list.
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