Doctor Who: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments Of All Time

The Greatest Show-Ups In The Galaxy.

By Terry Warner /

Doctor Who is the greatest show in the galaxy but it can also be highly embarrassing. The show can boast such iconic moments as the Cybermen rising out of their tombs, a Dalek emerging from the Thames or Autons smashing out of shop windows. It can provide fist-pumping classics such as Eleven walking out of a slideshow of his former faces or Ten wandering nonchalantly out the TARDIS in pyjamas. We're witnessed Dalek battle fleets, the saving of Gallifrey and the exquisite torture of Bad Wolf Bay and Manhattan. At times like these the show is beyond awesome - and then there's those other moments. For every Caves of Androzani there's a Magma Beast. For every Zygon invasion there's a Skarasan. Doctor Who has the amazing ability to excite you one moment and embarrass you the next. One minute you're hiding behind a cushion in fright, the next in shame. You sit, remembering how you'd told your friends to tune in, only to see the Myrka blunder through the soft foam doors and you know what teasing will be coming your way tomorrow in school. As well as being the best show in TV, Doctor Who still has the ability to present some of the most cringeworthy moments possible. Here are the worst ten.