Doctor Who: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments Of All Time

10. Christopher Eccleston Trying To Be Funny

How we marvelled when talented thespian Christopher Eccleston deigned to sign on as Doctor Who and on the whole he lived up to his promise, whether it be going toe-to-toe with a Dalek or impassively watching as Cassandra exploded for want of her moisturiser. Eccleston is a brooding, intense actor and he brought these qualities to his Time Lord. However, being the Doctor means more than being dark and, great actor as he is, Eccleston struggles to be funny. In a recent rare mention of his era, the actor even admitted he struggled with the comedy and, boy, does it show. He's worse in the Keith Boak directed first block, whether that be from poor guidance or the actor finding his way. The first extended scene between the Doctor and Rose walking away from the Powell Estate is awful, Eccleston overacting every joke and coming across as being crazy ("HELLO!!"). His worst most cringe-worthy moment, however, is his mugging in front of the lift in World War Three. A true hide behind the sofa moment.
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Writer of The Blog of Delights, a review site covering film, TV, cult TV, books and audio. Fan of Dr Who, Bond, X-Men and Marvel. Also the writer of e-book 'Fictional Legends: Doctor Who - the TV Adventures' for Collca.