Doctor Who: 10 Most Disappointing Concluding Episodes

Which story fell the furthest?

By Luke Williams /

Doctor who has a habit of being either extremely good or confusingly awful, and there€™s little middle ground. However, some form of middle ground does come in the form of the episodes which promise great things but collapse in on themselves horribly at the last moment leaving a slap in the face with wet sewage instead of the explosion promised. The unbearable Evolution of the Daleks didn€™t do this since it was awful to begin with. Nobody expected anything to come out of pig men and people trying to do American accents so bad that Miley Cyrus€™ €œWrecking Ball€ covered by a series of digitally tuned sneezes would be more pleasing to listen to. But the episodes on this list are the ones which had everything to work with but ruined it by not capitalising on any of it to pay it off for the end. These are the episodes which take brilliant ideas and wonderful possibilities, show you that they have them, then by the time the finale comes around, shrug and throw whatever dregs they have left at you because they have nothing to make it all work. All they have is the ability to make the viewer crushingly disappointed as they uselessly throw questions and tears at an unresponsive, uncaring TV screen. Don't believe that such episodes exist? It's time to find out for yourself...
