Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Why The Third Doctor Is The Best Ever

Jon Pertwee just rules, OK?

By Stephen Allsop /

Everybody has their favourite Doctor, and every Doctor is the favourite of someone. That€™s just as it should be. It would be a dull world if everyone all liked the same thing... right?


Well taste is one thing, superiority is another. The fact is that the Third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee, is the best that there has ever been. He was better than those that came before him and better than those that have followed. Classic or Nu, it makes no difference.

Each actor to play the renegade Time Lord has brought a new interpretation to the role. They have all added to the show's rich heritage and all deserve the respect of the audience. Some were good, some were great, but all the others have fallen short of Jon Pertwee€™s ultimate Doctor. The third time really was the charm.


Many fans will not agree. No doubt there will be Whovians lining up to support their favourite Doctor. Great, such passion is to be applauded, valued and admired. You yourself may think that the Third Doctor was not the best. You may champion another incarnation with equal vigour. You may believe that all of the Doctors should be considered equal, and that placing one above the others is folly. Well, that's OK. You€™re just wrong.