Doctor Who: 10 Theories For John Hurt's Doctor

By Doug Lattery /

This whole article includes spoilers for Doctor Who. If you are not current on the series, and you don't want to know what is going on, stop reading this now! Come back when you are caught up! In the finale of season 7 of Doctor Who, we finally got to find out what was so special about the latest companion. It seems that Clara Oswin Oswald has met every previous incarnation of the Doctor because she has entered his timestream in an attempt to save him. None of the previous Doctors have noticed her, with her being just "out of frame" of the show and just out of sight for the Doctor. That is until Doctor 11. He finally noticed her and in fact became obsessed with Clara and why she seemed to be so impossible. At the end of the last episode "The Name Of the Doctor", we are given some information in a cliff-hanger ending. A shadowy figure is shown that Clara doesn't recognize. The reveal of John Hurt into the series along with the graphic "Introducing John Hurt as the Doctor" burned into our collective corneas. Of course we were left with very little clue as to what this actually means, leaving room for wild speculation and rumours! Instantly the internet went abuzz with theories of who John Hurt (from here on known as "Doctor Hurt") would exactly be playing. The speculation is far-ranging and goes from the obscure to the absurd. Here are 10 such things to consider. Whomever or whatever he turns out to be, I think we can all agree it is going to make for an interesting and exciting 50th Anniversary show. It has been promised that the 50th Anniversary special will change the future of Doctor Who. So who is John Hurt playing?