Doctor Who: 10 Things About NuWho That Don't Quite Add Up

It can be confusing to say the very least.

By Wayne Sasuta /

Doctor Who began in 1963 and brought with it education, adventure and fun to television screens for over 50 years... well, not quite 50 years on the telly. It was egregiously cancelled in 1989, only for it to make a triumphant comeback in 2005, retaining and keeping in canon the classic version's 36 years. This did not dissuade new viewers from taking a peek at this show that, until then, they had only been able to watch via older shows, never getting the experience, thrill and joy of watching a brand new episode air on Saturday evening. But,even a show as great as Doctor Who has its... mistakes. Now, it's to be expected that a show running for as long as Doctor Who has to have some mistakes pop up from time to time, however, not every mistake is always caught by its loyal fans, or if it is caught, it's in a way that they can't quite put their finger on, or don't realise at the time. In most cases, viewers can just glaze over the mistake as "wibbly wobbly timey wimey", but there are times that even the most eagle-eyed viewer won't catch, without going onto a website such as Who Culture to see what they might have missed. Because sometimes even Doctor Who gets it wrong, so let's take a look at 10 mistakes from NuWho that just don't quite add up. This list will include mistakes that are pretty common knowledge at this point for viewers of frequent websites such as this, therefore let's just assume that you, as the reader, are going off of show viewing only. And you're in for some huge surprises...
