Doctor Who: 10 Things You Never Knew About Series 2 Of NuWho

Tantalising trivia about the Tenth Doctor's first series.

By Dan Butler /

The 10th anniversary of the revived series of Doctor Who is fast approaching (the Time Lord returned to our screens on 26th March 2005) so now is as good a time as any to take a fond look back over the last decade of timey-wimey action. And oh, what a decade it has been! You've already had your mind blown by our 10 things you never realised about Series 1 so next up on the agenda is Series 2 (because, unlike River Song, some of us like to do things in order) which featured the arrival of David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor. 2006 marked big changes for the series with a new titular Time Lord at the helm of the TARDIS but thankfully Billie Piper stuck around as Rose Tyler to ease us into the transition. The Tenth Doctor and Rose's adventures are generally regarded as some of the best of 21st century Who so far as they took on the likes of Cybermen, Clockwork Droids, Krillitane and Satan himself, and then there's that one time they met Peter Kay as a green absorbing alien with a mohawk, but that encounter is generally overlooked. All good things must come to an end, though, and the series finale was bittersweet - OK, it was just plain heartbreaking - when our heroes were separated forevermore after the climactic events of the Battle of Canary Wharf. Rose thought they would be together forever but the universe had other ideas. It's a bitch like that. Dry those eyes, though (at least, until you get to the end of this list), and get ready to be enlightened with our 10 things that you never knew about Series 2 of NuWho. As the Wire herself once said, "Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin...".
