Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Gave Zero F**ks

It's the best way to be.

By Dan Butler /

Generally speaking, the Doctor is the ultimate hero. He fights the good fight, preaches 'words not war' (well, most of the time, at least...), and he's always there to help his companions grow into better, stronger versions of themselves. His amicable acquaintances are always better people for knowing the Doctor (unless you're Adam Mitchell, of course, but let's not get ahead of ourselves!) and it's no exaggeration to say that the rest of the human race would literally be nowhere if they weren't being constantly defended by the Doctor's ongoing mission to rid the universe of every Earth-invading adversary from Axons to Zygons. Thanks for that, by the way! But even 2,000 aliens from Gallifrey have their good days and their bad days. In fact, you never really know what mood you're going to find the Doctor in, particularly the Eleventh Doctor whose ever fluctuating temperament went up and down more times than a Dalek on a bouncy castle. While the Doctor is a caring and mindful individual, sometimes he just couldn't care less, and one of the best things about his extra terrestrial origins is that he usually doesn't refrain from telling you so. Don't believe us? Here are 10 times the Doctor gave zero f**ks about what was going on around him, in the best possible way. It's not all running, riding dinosaurs and galavanting through the vortex, you know...
