Doctor Who: 11 Best Clara Oswin Oswald Moments Of Awesome

By Rebecca Kulik /

Welcome to my one-woman crusade to defeat the notion that Clara Oswald has no personality! Although she€™s been around for less than a year and a full-time companion only for nine episodes, Clara Oswald has been ridiculed across the internet as a boring caricature whose mystery was built at the cost of her character. I've seen her called a plot device pretending to be a character, a sociopath, and--maybe most insultingly--boring. But Clara Oswald is bursting with personality, and has quickly come to dominate a show that just lost three of its four companions and two of its three regulars. Since her introduction a few months ago, Clara Oswald has had many moments which set her apart from previous companion, and proved that she is a worthy successor to her predecessors and more than a match for the Doctor. Read on for eleven of Eleven€™s latest companion€™s moments of pure awesome (in chronological order).

11. €œTell me I€™m cool, chin boy.€

Clara€™s introduction in this episode threw everyone for a loop. What on Earth was this manic girl in a sexy red dress doing cooking soufflés at the beginning of the season? We were told she wouldn€™t be introduced until Christmas! What she was doing was beating (with style) the Doctor€™s oldest and most feared enemies. When you re-watch the episode, it becomes clear that Clara (here called Oswin) is the protagonist, the main actor, and the trigger of every plot. Her ship crashed on the planet€™s surface, and the Daleks converted her into one of them. She made them regret it. She decimated the most secure stronghold of the most advanced warrior race in the history of the universe. She beat them so badly they had to cry uncle and call the Doctor for help. THEN, as if that wasn€™t enough, she erased their memory of their greatest foe. And she did all of this while demonstrating a frankly astounding strength of character. Rather than being converted into a Dalek, she held on to her sense of herself. She told herself jokes, played €œCarmen,€ and made soufflés. At the heart of the Dalek asylum, where the most dangerously mad Daleks were kept, there was a Dalek who refused to believe she was a Dalek. And she made all Daleks pay for what they'd done to her, in between speculations about vampires.