Doctor Who: 11 Best Clara Oswin Oswald Moments Of Awesome

10. €œWords€Man€

man The Doctor told Clara in "The Snowmen" repeatedly not to follow him, to forget about him. Not only did she follow him all the way to the Tardis and knock on the door (presumably to rub it in), but the next day she went back and apparently intended to shout at him until he came down. Then Clara had a conversation with Madame Vastra, in which the lizard lady told her that the Doctor €œstands above this world, and doesn€™t interfere in the affairs of its inhabitants. He is not your salvation, nor your protector.€ And she told Vastra she didn€™t buy it. When Vastra told Clara that the Doctor had retreated from the world because of his broken hearts, Clara didn€™t see it as a special-Doctor-thing, a God€™s prerogative. She saw it as human. To indicate her understanding, she said €œman.€ This is a moment of awesome because it demonstrates Clara€™s clarity of perception. She doesn€™t buy any of the Doctor€™s €œspecial time lord stuff€ hype. She doesn€™t do what River and Amy did, and see the Doctor€™s actions as part and parcel of his €œspecial€ nature, of the fact that €œhe doesn€™t like endings.€ Clara cut past all the obfuscation and saw a man whose heart had broken.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at