Doctor Who: 11 Nostalgic Theme Tunes Of The New Generation

11 timeless anthems to salute the Time Lord.

By Anna Rinaldi / You're probably expecting the most nostalgic theme tune of NuWho to be (what else?) the main theme itself - that iconic bit of melody that blares in every episode, accompanying a whirling TARDIS throughout its precarious flight within the time vortex. Think again. Murray Gold has composed a plethora of innovative themes since NuWho's inception that go beyond the opening title music. They all convey the boisterous, uplifting or tragic qualities of memorable characters and scenes. It's a journey through time, revisiting all of the cherished memories tied to Doctor Who. Doctor Who music evokes emotions in a way that cannot be reproduced by simply watching the episode. There is almost a magical quality, for everyone's interpretation of music is not as direct or uniform as their reactions to visual stimulation. Music relies more on imagination and pure, unadulterated feeling, and the intensity and vicariousness of these feelings can change depending on the listener. Some theme tunes also happen to be very catchy, too, and a Whovian may find themselves subconsciously humming a song or two throughout the day. (Disclaimer: WhoCulture holds no responsibility for getting songs stuck in people's heads!). Whatever responses these individual songs may incite, listening to Doctor Who music is a nostalgic experience that is sure to cheer up any Whovian who needs a Doctor. So, here are 11 nostalgic Doctor Who tunes that have defined a new generation. It's like music to your ears...
