Doctor Who: 11 Nostalgic Theme Tunes Of The New Generation

11. Me! A deranged Doctor in his nightie flings himself out of a window and gallops across the cobblestone streets of London on a stolen horse, intent on rescuing his damsel in distress, otherwise known as... a T-Rex Seriously. An unlikely scenario, to say the least, but it nonetheless demands an energetic soundtrack to further escalate the action. Honestly, this track warrants a higher position on the list, but seeing as Capaldi landed in the Doctor Who canon fairly recently, Whovians haven't embarked on enough adventures with the Scottish Time Lord to feel nostalgic about his tenure just yet. Give it a few more years, eh? Besides, it was a sincere disappointment that "Me!" wasn't used more frequently throughout Series 8. When used sparingly, though, this music could accentuate some of the most epitomising scenes of the Twelfth Doctor, like Capaldi skydiving into the TARDIS during Death In Heaven. "Me!" playing alongside this daring stunt would have definitely justified Seb's over enthusiastic outburst of squeeing (and possibly sent fans into a similar crazed state, too!).
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Anna is an aspiring writer who has an incurable obsession with Doctor Who. When she is not writing about Doctor Who, she's watching favorite episodes and contemplating what to write next. When she's writing about Doctor Who, she anticipates her reward: watching yet another Doctor Who episode. She also manages to read science fiction (especially Ray Bradbury), recite lines from Shakespeare's Macbeth, and make terrible puns in her free time (she likes to imagine she has great puntential, though)