Doctor Who: 11 Reasons We Love Matt Smith (And The Eleventh Doctor)

By Stephen Higham /

How the mighty hath fallen, Steven Moffat was once the golden boy of the Doctor Who world. With stellar scripts like Blink and The Empty Child he could do no wrong. Now public opinion seems to have turned (at least here on the good old internet) and despite writing fan-favorite episodes like 'Asylum of the Daleks' and 'The Snowmen' (taken from a poll carried out by DoctorWhoTV) he can do no right. None, that is except for his crazy, old man in a young man's body Doctor, 11 as played by Matt Smith. Matt rose to fame as 'the guy who's not going to be as good as David Tennant' but overcame his initial controversy by inhabiting the role with confidence, humor and more than a bit of zaniness. But, to the point dear readers... affix a bow tie, don a fez as we celebrate 11 reasons why we love Matt Smith's eleventh Doctor. (Note: many of these points will include what appear to be swipes at David Tennant. No offense is intended, I love the guy.

11. Family In The TARDIS


A refreshing change of pace for many was seeing the Doctor travelling with a proper posse after twenty odd years of the Doctor being teamed up with just one companion. Whilst Rose and Donna won the hearts of the nation and whilst certain episodes saw the Doctor with a couple of friends travelling with him it was a fun experience seeing The Doctor surrounded by a new family.

Amy and Rory complement each other and the Doctor. They make a solid unit. The Eleventh Doctor is so mental and flaky that you'd almost expect him to fly off to the moon half way through an adventure just because he thought the alien enemy he was fighting wasn't quite interesting enough that week. Amy and especially Rory bring an appropriate level of domesticity to the TARDIS with Rory keeping the Doctor and his wayward bride in grounded.


The Doctor's relationships with the two also shine lights on different aspects of his personality. His love for Amy highlights his compassion (platonic compassion, you Amy/Doctor haters... She's not just a repeat of Rose!) and Rory's friendship with him is almost unique in modern Doctor Who. They are bros, true they fight sometimes but in episodes like The Girl Who Waited we get to see their natural friendship in a way that even Captain Jack didn't fully achieve.

The Doctor's family ground him solidly allowing us to see the Eleventh Doctor contrasting with the tenth and ninth who spent their days as lost wanderers. The Eleventh Doctor is something new.
