Doctor Who: 13 Doctor/Monster Match-Ups Fans Would Love To See

Sometimes a monster meets the wrong Doctor.

By Andrix Lim /

The Doctor has lived through 14 incarnations with 13 different Doctors running around through time and space. In that time, he has battled against evil, power-mad conspirators and the occasional farting monsters. But the sad fact is that Classic Doctors would never get to face monsters from the revived series in all their CGI glory, and surely the viewers would love to see NuWho Doctors take on monsters from the days of shoddy body suits and bubble wrap. How would the First Doctor handle a Silurian claiming to have really been masters of Earth, for example? Probably by poking it with a stick and telling it go away, of course. And what about the Eleventh Doctor against the Celestial Toymaker? It would be over pretty quickly if the latter challenges him to a game requiring balance! Surely the War Doctor would rain down fire and destruction upon the Great Intelligence and his mind-controlled yetis, and the Third Doctor would have no trouble out-sciencing the Cybermen? This article aims to match up all the Doctors with an enemy that that incarnation has not faced and explain why it would make for an unmissable fight. If ever the opportunity arises to make these battles reality, the following would surely be the most entertaining, most challenging, and most exciting match-ups this side of Gallifrey's pocket universe.