Doctor Who: 30 NuWho Characters Who Would've Made Fantastic Full-Time Companions

They did, in "Pete's World".

By James Colbourn /

The Doctor always needs a companion; they always need somebody to give them hell. Donna Noble said he needed someone to stop him sometimes. Amy Pond wrote that he should never be alone, while Clara Oswald stated that he's very bad at being just that. They were fortunate enough to travel all of time and space with the Doctor.


Throughout these wonderfully limitless adventures, the Doctor has touched many lives, illuminating them for the better, but - on very rare occasions - sometimes for the worse. We've seen this with one-off characters, and those that made recurring appearances. They've made such an impact on an episode - and on us - that we wanted them to become the regular companion.

Sadly, some have politely declined the Time Lord's direct and indirect invitations (are they mad?!). Others have asked with wide-eyed expectation, only for the Doctor to burst their bubble (you shouldn't be alone, Doctor!). Then there are those that were welcomed aboard and ready for the trip of a lifetime, yet the treasured TARDIS key remained so near and yet so far...

Honourable Mention: Kira Arlo

Appeared in: Kerblam!

Oh Kira with an I. Sweet little Kira. She was a mixture of Rose Tyler retail girl and Lynda Moss boundless positivity. Sadly, her life tragically mirrored Lynda's, quite literally - Ryan, Yaz, and that evil Charlie watched Kira die through a window. That popping bubble wrap pastime just isn't the same these days.

In a parallel world, she would've got the Rose Tyler treatment. The Doctor whisks her away from the mundanity of modernity simply because, as the Doctor remarked, she has a great approach to life.

30. Frank

Appeared in: Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks.


There was always something about Frank; the Daleks identified him as having "superior intelligence", plus he volunteered to go down to the sewers of New York City for a measly dollar a day.

Frank had some intrepid blood in him when he left Tennessee and joined Captain Panaka in Hooverville. He struck up an immediate friendship with Martha, and was thoughtful of those lost in the sewers. He showed bravery in holding off the pig slaves so the others could escape. And just to complete off his all-round good guy persona, he managed to persuade the Hooverville residents to give a pig-slave-Dalek-mutant-hybrid a home.

Eventually, in a reality known as the Marvel Universe, one of Frank's descendants becomes a superhero called Spider-Man.
