Doctor Who: 30 NuWho Characters Who Would've Made Fantastic Full-Time Companions

29. Journey Blue

Doctor Who Blink

Appeared in: Into the Dalek.

We're introduced to Lieutenant Journey Blue during a frantic pre-title sequence involving her skilfully swerving asteroids, and from the small matter of an intense barrage of Dalek gunfire. And just before Journey gets turned into potential Dalek protein, she finds herself in the TARDIS having been rescued by the Doctor. Not that she's grateful. Instead, she points a gun at him. Charming. You therefore can't blame the Doctor for taking on the persona of Malcolm Tucker's less-sweary brother. Incidentally, that irascible side to Peter Capaldi's Doctor was always enjoyable.

Admittedly, Journey isn't a character you immediately warm to. She's your typical all-action soldier who is mainly at loggerheads with the Doctor. Nevertheless, the lieutenant's journey (groan) could've changed had the Doctor seen her potential - the nice, kind and brave traits of hers. After all, he used to be a solider too.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.