Doctor Who: 9 Predictions For Series 9

2015 is going to be an exciting year.

By Wayne Sasuta /

For over 50 years, Doctor Who has been a part of our lives in one form or another, and for a majority of those 50 years, fans have looked forward to what was going to happen next, be it next episode or the next season. After the regeneration of Matt Smith into Peter Capaldi in The Time of the Doctor, fans were left wondering what the Twelfth Doctor would have in store for them during his first full series in the TARDIS. With a romp through Victorian England, a Dalek, Sherwood Forest and the Nethersphere among others, viewers have come across in support of Peter Capaldi in the role after it had been ruled by younger actors since the show's re-debut in 2005. There are only so many stories that can be put into a show that lasts 12-15 episodes each year and Steven Moffat has a tendency to tie most shows together with one large plot arc, so this list will keep that in mind with the search for something the Doctor has considered lost for a long time. Will he find what he's looking for? If he is anything like the humans he protects so valliantly, it will be found in the place he least expects to find it... With a new series set to grace our screens next year, it's as good of a time as any to take a look at some of the possible happenings that could be meeting our Time Lord defender in Series 9. So, let's get started!