Doctor Who: 9 Theories On Missy's Identity

Is Missy a Time Lady, a TARDIS, or somebody new altogether?

By Barry Quinn /

Ever since the climactic face off (or should that be half-face off, geddit?) in the first episode of series eight, Deep Breath, fans of Doctor Who have been pondering the many possibilities of just who Missy is. She has appeared in three of the six aired episodes thus far and has brought a tantalising hint of what heaven really is. Knowing that this is Steven Moffat, it won€™t be as straightforward as it could be. This won€™t be a literal interpretation of heaven; no, it€™ll be a planet designated as heaven, or masquerading as heaven, or simply named heaven but have no connection to the religious afterlife of Earth. In truth we don€™t actually have a great deal of information to go on in terms of the heaven aspect of this series narrative arc. We know that recently deceased people (humans and aliens alike) travel there upon their death, we know that it has many names (including heaven, the afterlife, the promised land and the nethersphere), we know that some robots from the 11th century were looking for it, and we know that it has two very camp employees in the form of Missy and Seb. All in all, that probably only scrapes the surface of the Moff€™s latest story. And in truth we don€™t actually know anything about Missy either. The Doctor is apparently her €œboyfriend€, she likes his new accent and she welcomes the recently deceased to the nethersphere (although admittedly she was a little busy of late). But that€™s about it. The fan forums have been rife with theories of just who Missy is, and now that we have reached the half-way point of series eight we bring you the lowdown on who she could be. Knowing the Moff, she€™ll either be none of these or all of these simultaneously (just look at River - she was the Doctor€™s killer AND wife AND Amy and Rory€™s daughter all at the same time). A couple of these feature minor spoilers, so you have been warned.