Doctor Who: 9 Worst Things The Master Has Ever Done
The Moriarty to the Doctor's Holmes, the Master has certainly caused trouble in the Whoniverse.

The Moriarty to the Doctor's Holmes, the Master has certainly enacted some of the most dastardly plans the Whoniverse has ever seen.
First arriving on the scene in 1971's Terror of the Autons, played by Roger Delgado, the Master has become an intrinsic character in the Doctor Who canon. Since their creation, the Master, in various guises, has faced off against nearly every Doctor (baring the Ninth and Eleventh).
As well as facing off the Doctor, the Master has been known to ally himself with some of the Whoniverse's greatest villains, including the Daleks, Cybermen, Sea Devils and Axons.
But one of the most defining features of their character is the dastardly plots they come up with. They wouldn't be the same if they didn't turn up with some grand plan. The Master's plots tend to always fall into three categories, gaining ultimate power and control, extending their own life or simply to defeat the Doctor. Over the years these plots have grown more and more sinister.
So lets dive into the nine worst things the Master has ever done. Spoilers to follow...
Thumbnail: 'Spy' Master - Caption: "Unhinged?"
9. The Witch's Familiar - Trying To Get Clara Killed

Sometimes it is more questionable when your foe is trying to be your ally, rather than trying to kill you.
This is the uneasy position the Doctor finds himself with Missy in the second part of the Series 9 opener, The Witch's Familiar.
Earlier on in the episode, to make their way into the Skaro city, Missy places the Doctor's companion Clara within a Dalek to act as prisoner and escort. However, after successfully making their way in, Missy abandons Clara, still inside the casing, to go and save the Doctor.
Having rescued the Doctor from Davros, Missy and her best friend stumble upon this Dalek. Seeing it, Missy tries to convince the Doctor that this Dalek has killed Clara, and that he should take revenge. The worst part of this whole torturous situation is that Clara inside is screaming out to stop him, but due to being inputted into the machine, her message gets skewed.
Thankfully the word mercy is within the Daleks vocabulary and the Doctor has a near miss exterminating his best friend.
In the end, Missy claims to be showing "the friend inside the enemy, [and] the enemy inside the friend," a slightly odd way to try get the Doctor back on her side.