Doctor Who: 9 Worst Things The Master Has Ever Done

8. Anti-Genesis - Creator Of The Daleks?

Doctor Who Missy The Master Death in Heaven
Big Finish

Big Finish's fourth War Master series, sees the titular character taking over one of Doctor Who's most important events.

Using the Anti-Genesis codes, the War Master sets out to interfere with the creation of the Daleks.

Venturing to Skaro, the Master manages to wiggle his way into the Kaled bunker during their Thousand Year War, before the Daleks are created. Once inside, he meets up with a young, pre-injury Davros. However, upon finding the Daleks creator, he alters events for him to die during a bombardment, rather than simply be injured.

As a result, the War Master claims to be Davros' uncle "Sovrad". In his new position amongst the scientific elite, he creates the Daleks, with his own horrific modifications.

During this time, he manages to achieve total conquest of the universe, get the Doctor and companions killed when they visited Skaro, and created Daleks with the ability to turn their foes into more Daleks.

This horrific plot seemed totally unstoppable, until an alternate universe Master arrived with the Daleks from the Time War, who set time back on its proper course, halting the War Master's horrifying achievement.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe