Doctor Who: Every Tenth Doctor Episode Ranked From Worst To Best

Everyone's favourite Doctor, but did your favourite story reach number one?

By Dan Struthers /

The Tenth Doctor is, for many people, the definitive incarnation of the 900-year-old Time Lord. David Tennant's Doctor was charming, charismatic and dashing, with a fondness for smart suits and the immortal phrase "Allons-y" ("Let's Go", for you non-French speakers).


After only one year as the titular Time Lord he had already won over the fans, with Doctor Who Magazine readers voting him 'Best Doctor' above the usual favourite Tom Baker. So popular was Tennant that the BBC even debated axing Doctor Who when he announced his decision to quit the role.

However, despite his enduring popularity, Tennant had his fair share of naff scripts which could have done with another draft or two. For every Human Nature and Doomsday, there was an Evolution of the Daleks and Voyage of the Damned.

It speaks volumes about Tennant's devotion to the character that he managed to elevate even the most mundane of stories into a riveting adventure. Having said that, it is undeniable that even with the talent of such a leading man there is no redeeming some absolutely terrible episodes, some of which stood out like a sore thumb among the gems.

37. Fear Her

While Doctor Who episodes featuring dated CGI or bad acting are often at the bottom of the pile, sometimes, the story itself is so mundane that there's really nothing else to say about it.


While the premise of humans being turned into drawings by a troubled child is a strong one, the execution is as exciting as watching paint dry. Rose and the Doctor are also criminally underused throughout, mostly just watching the action unfold and having little effect on the outcome of the episode.

Fear Her also loses points for predicting that X-Factor winner Shayne Ward would have a greatest hits album in 2012. That aged well, didn't it?
