Doctor Who: Revived Series 14 Stupidest Idiot Plots... So Far

Out of character stupidities. These are the unsung heroes that sacrificed their dignity.

By Jon Garcia /

"The Idiot Plot, of course, is any plot that would be resolved in five minutes if everyone in the story were not an idiot. And rarely has there been a film in which more idiots make more mistakes than in this one." €” Roger Ebert in his of Narrow Margin (1990)
Roger Ebert once coined the term €œidiot plot.€ Even if it doesn€™t sound familiar, it is something you€™ve seen happen multiple times on every storytelling medium, often confused with the term, "plot hole." Here is the difference: A plot hole is about breaking the established rules of its film without giving a convincing answer how; asking "How did that happen?". Example: How did Bruce Wayne return to Gotham without resources and the entire American government watching over it without detection? Basically, the universe puts him there, no one questions it, and the story moves on. An idiot plot is when a character is doing conveniently stupid things, just for the sake of plot, asking "why did he/ didn't he do that?" Example: If Bruce did have a way into Gotham, why didn't he use it to save people out of Gotham? Basically, when a guy is an idiot, no one questions it, and the story moves on. When people see a fictional character being stupid and say it is a plot hole, they are actually talking about an idiot plot. It is mistaken because of lack of knowledge of the idiot plot, or because both, when sighted, exposes the strings of the plot. Doctor Who is hopelessly hilariously vulnerable to idiot plots just as much as plot holes. We are here to diagnose and acknowledge the symptoms.