Doctor Who Series 11: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Kerblam!'

Once you pop, you quite literally stop.

By Rich Hutson /


Similar to last week's Demons of the Punjabairing on Remembrance Sunday, and revolving around 'honouring the unknown dead,' Kerblam!lands at just the right time, amidst the hustle and bustle of Black Friday deals on Amazon. Coincidence? I think not.


With the Doctor finally receiving an order they placed two regenerations ago, a message printed on the reverse of her delivery slip bring the team to the moon of Kandoka, housing the huge warehouse and distribution centre for this galaxy's amazon equivalent, Kerblam! With some creepy-looking, smiley robots hovering around the small percentage of human workers, and with people going missing, Team TARDIS have come across a mystery worth solving. With Chibnall out of the writer's seat yet again, can a streak of good episodes be established? It's looking like it.

However, let's start with the downs, and beware of spoilers.



2. The Conveyor Belt Sequence


The conveyer belt sequence offered up some major Toy Story 2 vibes, which isn’t a bad thing, but then the weird high-five leading to falling onto another conveyor, then disinfecting detected alien contaminants with lasers?

Obviously,Doctor Who is overtly silly when you stand back and look at it in its entirety but this? This was just plain dumb. Also, Ryan, we know you’ve got dyspraxia, and you’ve mentioned it once this episode after explaining your history with warehouse work, which is fine, but bringing it up again when everything seemed kind of urgent? Nah. Nope.
