Doctor Who Series 9: 9 Theories That May Actually Come True

Not long to wait now!

By James Hunt /

Steven Moffat is known for giving very little away about his shows, and even that which he does say often tends to be a lie. So it is that just a month away from the return of Doctor Who, entering the ninth series since its 2005 revival, not an awful lot has been revealed about the upcoming run. We know the basics, such as writers and directors, and a few hints have been dropped, but apart from that there is a lot of guesswork. Thankfully, Who fans are used to having to deal with shady facts and speculation, and let their imagination do the rest. So it is that series 9 can be roughly pieced together from the little snippets of information revealed at events like Comic-Con, what took place in series 8 and the repercussions that will have moving forward, and the mammoth history of Who to delve into as well. Thus the internet has created a wealth of theories about what's actually going to happen and, well, an awful lot of it makes sense. Sure, there's the odd crazy theory out there, generally involving River Song returning in some way, but these are the ones that seem extremely likely to come true, and for the most part would make for some really awesome television.