Doctor Who: The Name Of The Doctor Review – 8 Ways Steven Moffat Defined The Heroine’s Journey

By Mary Ogle /

WARNING! SPOILERS NAMED: We dare to speak of spoilers and speculation for Doctor Who Series 7a and 7b, especially episode 14: €œThe Name of the Doctor€. The river of time has led us here, to this discussion of endings and beginnings and in-betweens. Please leave your comments below. I€™m resting in a graveyard as I write these words. I€™ve been on a long walk and it€™s quiet and peaceful among the stones. I don€™t know any of these people. Yet all places of memory share a kinship €“ a common ground of ash and bone. By choosing to sit by one grave I am reminded of another. Scarred memory is what we find within the Doctor€™s tomb. As Dr. Simeon so aptly demonstrates as he peels his face away, bodies are vessels €“ the essence of a being is more than mere flesh. The Doctor in death manifests as a raw and gaping time space €“ a wounded web entwined throughout eternity. His journey touched almost every particle of the multiverse and as he is unraveled so everything else. Writer Steven Moffat has taken care to structure this emotional and resonant episode in such a way that we never forget the main focus, even as we flash from dream to ship to planet to tomb. This isn€™t the Doctor€™s story or River Song€™s. This is Clara€™s epic quest €“ her voyage of discovery and rise to heroism. These are the steps we take along the way...