Ranking Every Doctor Who Trailer Worst To Best

A list ranking all specially made NuWho trailers shown by the BBC from worst to best.

By Christopher Steven /

They say “never trust a trailer” - and with the use of selective editing, carefully chosen scenes and clever mixing and matching, production companies have exploited trailers for years in order to entice those oh-so-needed viewers.


However, for Doctor Who, the BBC have bucked this trend greatly and not only provided fans with a taster of what they will see, but also have gone to great lengths to actually film specific scenes for these trailers; some that go so far as to increase anticipation of a new Doctor and making fans salivate at the very prospect, and some copping out early on and making people disinterested about the returning series.

For this list, we'll be looking at trailers shown on the BBC for Doctor Who, but only counting those which had specific content filmed and are not just entirely made up of clips from the series. We'll also be disregarding teasers or bumpers, as these tend to last no more than ten seconds and it would be hard to critique based on that. The following are nine Trailers for Doctor Who ranked worst to best.

9. The Thirteenth Doctor Revealed

Possibly the only Doctor Who trailer that had its own trailer, for days before this trailer debuted, fans were deluged with a teaser showing various landmarks and signs mysteriously transmuting to the number 13, and a key disappearing to the distinctive TARDIS thrumming noise.


Those fans were then met with a title card directing them to “meet the 13th Doctor... after the Wimbledon Mens' Final”. Right.......

When these eager fans tuned in, they were met with, well, not much at all – a minute long shot of a figure walking alone in a woodland, with the key from the trailer seen materializing in their hand, and then the reveal of the figure to be none other than Jodie Whittaker.

Not only is she shown sporting a hood and jacket ensemble that to date her character has never worn, the closing shot is of her approaching a barely visible TARDIS that looks so superimposed in the background you'd be forgiven for thinking it was the shrunken one from “Flatline”.
