Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Jake Sisko

He was the number one son of the number one God-Captain in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

By Sean Ferrick /

Jake Sisko is both an enigmatic character on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and a rather simple on. He is the son of Ben Sisko, so his status is that of first child on the station - if we are to go by such rankings. Though the early episodes flirted with the idea of him joining Starfleet, he opted to veer away from that path - much to the betterment of his arc.


Cirroc Lofton, while appearing in roughly half of the episodes of the show, is credited as a main cast member for every single one. For most of these appearances, he was Jake, although on occasion he would don the shimmering lights of the Prophets, the red contact lenses of the Pah Wraiths, and the smooth styles of the 1950s. 

In many ways, Jake was the next attempt at The Next Generation after the start-and-stop story arc for Wesley Crusher. Learnings had been made with that earlier character, so which of them crossed over to this new iteration of Trek? 

10. He Was Described As An Army Brat

In the original description of Jake Sisko's character, he was described as an 'army brat'. In essence, he would have been a civilian family member of a Starfleet officer, which is of course what he ended up becoming. Having said that, some of these elements were toned down in the actual show.


For example, this description shows him being jaded with the idea of bouncing from place to place. He would have moved several times to accomodate his father's career - not least of which being the time they had to flee the USS Saratoga. 

The opening scene between Ben and Jake shows them sitting on a lazy dock over a pond, with Jake fishing in the creek. This scene encapsulates much of Jake's life before Deep Space Nine - he was forced to create holographic environments that could travel with him, as there were few places he could truly set down roots. His father's promise of more children on the station would seemingly ring hollow as well, although meeting Nog saw a definite change in his fortunes.
