Star Trek: 20 Essential Gifts For Trekkies

Make it so, make it so, make it so...

By Brian Chapman /

Christmas is now less than two weeks away, and some of you might have a special someone or Secret Santa that you need to buy a gift for. Here at WhatCulture we're forever trying to be helpful, as we've already shown you the twelve gifts of Christmas for Doctor Who here. Now we're going to follow that up that list with a new one to suggest what you might want to get for those Trekkies in your life. Of course, it'd need to be for someone who isn't quite so audible about what they want! I love pop culture collectables and there are few shows with such a well-rounded base to set these against as Star Trek. As far as I'm concerned it's one of the big three €“ Star Trek, Star Wars and Doctor Who. For many years (as a kid during the classic era of the 80s and 90s) you couldn't get a great deal of Doctor Who memorabilia, but most adult Trekkies can remember having plenty of Star Trek stuff as a child €“ and to a certain extent as an adult they want to outdo their childhood. For example, I had The Next Generation shuttlecraft model... but never had the bridge. Boy I would kill for one of those, even now. You can probably get pretty much anything with a Star Trek flavour €“ I've already written about some of the more unusual items and now I'm going to show you what is available. Because you don't want to end up like I did one year. A devoted Star Trek fan... and someone bought me a Tomb Raider shower set for Christmas. It was a bottle of Lara Croft themed shampoo and a can of deodorant. It wasn't the worst gift I've ever received €“ but it was the worst gift I've ever had where the person buying it was obviously trying to make the effort to find something I'd like. Of course, if you really want to get into the Christmas sprit, then I recommend you watch this... So here is a guide to what I think every Trekkie will enjoy finding sticking out of their stocking this year.