Star Trek: Discovery 3.1 Review - Ups And Downs From That Hope Is You

Here are the best bits from the Star Trek: Discovery season 3 premiere.

By Sean Ferrick /

Season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery has finally arrived and, thank the Prophets, it has delivered on the hopes of the audience!


The first episode, That Hope Is You, is quintessentially Star Trek. Burnham is faced with not only understanding what the universe is like now, 930 years further along the timeline than she knows, yet also navigating the new faces that she meets around her.

She arrives quite literally with a bang - but this is not the first scene of the episode!

Much of what is on offer has been teased in the various trailers, though it doesn't feel in any way spoiled because of this. They showed exactly the right amount that they needed to, while leaving enough unique moments for the audience to digest in the episode itself.

Be sure to check out our video on the Ups and Downs (if any!) from what could very easily be referred to as the new pilot episode of Star Trek: Discovery. However in the meantime, let this article guide you through the best (and maybe not-so-best) moments from That Hope Is You.

Starting With -

10. It Is Beautiful (Up)

Star Trek: Discovery has, since its first moments, shown the audience what Star Trek with a budget can really do in depicting the galaxy around it. That Hope Is You continues in this vein, depicting not only an oddly stunning debris field that Book and Burnham fly through in the early part of the episode, but also utilising the vast, lonely beauty of the Icelandic backdrop as well.


Though this is not the first time that Star Trek has visited Iceland, with the black terrain featured in Star Trek Into Darkness, it is however a beautiful display of the enormous potential that Iceland has in depicting strange new worlds.

The rivers and the waterfalls, the lakes and the rocks - the combine to make a surface unlike any the audience has yet seen, appearing truly alien, with the help of a little CGI, while still remaining firmly grounded on Earth.
