The Walking Dead: 8 Things "Remember" Got Right (And 2 It Didn't)

The makeover episode!

By Tom Baker /

Well, so far, this season of The Walking Dead has been all but impossible to predict. Much as some might try (ahem). As the series grows in popularity and length the makers of the TV show appear more confident in straying from the course set out by the comic books they are based on, their ensemble cast going of in new and interesting directions that nobody saw coming. And for a show that has frequently been predictable, that's a good thing. It's not always predictable because of the comics, with Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard about seven years on the TV show, as often some pretty hackneyed or obvious plot twists have reared their ugly heads. In this fifth season especially, however, there's been a series of genuinely inventive and surprising turns of events. €œRemember€ continued that run by placing the Rick Grimes Survival Tour in yet another new location, the fifth season seeing the group rarely settling down in one spot for any length of time. Having lost a couple more members, a fair degree of hope and some cannibals in their wake, they've hooked up with a new colony of survivors. Can they trust them, though? Do they even want to? After living in the wild for so long, can they even begin to return to a more civilised pre-Walking Dead society? All of those questions and more (like, seven more) will be answered in eight things €œRemember€ got right...and two it didn't.