The Walking Dead: 8 Things "Remember" Got Right (And 2 It Didn't)

The Good...

8. Actual Conflict

As is probably obvious to most who have watched more than one episode of The Walking Dead at this point, the main thrust of the show isn't so much the conflict between human beings and the zombies who want to chow down on them. It's about the warring groups of survivors, and how they've changed in this totally changed world. Sometimes the clashes between different groups has been a rich source of material, which is why they spent so much time in the presence of The Governor in seasons three and four. But it's also sometimes suffered from the at times too basic scripts, with the second season on Hershel's farm being particularly bereft of any real stakes or conflict. So it's good to see €œRemember€ focussing almost exclusively on the divide between the So Grimes Crew and the walled-in occupants of this new outpost €“ the walls precluding most appearances of any walkers €“ and that conflict feeling not only new, interesting and like it has some mileage, but also have it arise naturally. And an opportunity for Glenn to be cool.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at