Where Can Doctor Who Go After 'The Timeless Children?'

A lot of new information was revealed in The Timeless Children. But where do we go from here?

By Mik Furie /


At the end of Ascension Of The Cybermen, viewers were left with two sets of questions. The first, the usual set that we have running into a finale from a cliffhanger; who will survive? How will The Doctor prevail against such odds? Will anyone make a surprise return? The second set of questions had been posed over the course of the season; what secret had the founding fathers of Gallifrey hidden from everyone? Why had this secret led The Master to kill the entire planet? How does a version of The Doctor that she doesn't remember even exist, and where does unkillable copper Brendan fit into any of this?


All of these questions were answered quite neatly, albeit in ways that changed the history of the now-not Time Lord on its head. The Doctor is an entity from somewhere else, perhaps even beyond this universe. She was found and brought to Gallifrey where her unique biology became the basis for regeneration, which she could naturally do far more than twelve times.

This re-imagined master plan set up the next few years of storytelling in the show, with a focus on the following things...
