Where Can Doctor Who Go After 'The Timeless Children?'

Finding The Timeless Child

Tecteun Doctor Who

The Timeless Children introduced us to a new origin story for The Doctor. Found as a child by Tecteun, Gallifrey's foremost space explorer, she was brought back to the planet as an adopted daughter. Somehow, this alien child enjoyed a normal childhood on the famously exclusionary planet of Gallifrey, until the moment an accident caused her to die and regenerate.

Fascinated by this literal Lazarus, Tecteun experimented on her daughter to find the secret and spliced it into the entire species. It's unknown whether this is when Gallifreyans gained two hearts to match the Doctor, if her first regeneration on the planet caused her to have two hearts, or if the two races already matched in that aspect.

Future series now effectively have a blank slate to build on The Doctor's origins. Who are The Doctor's original species? Does she even have a race or is she unique in the universe? These are the questions that will be troubling The Doctor from here on out, and you know she'll be seeking the answers?

And where better to start than the monument?

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