10 Awful Nicknames Given To WWE Fans Over The Years

Not every group can be Jerichoholics or Hulkamaniacs...

By Matt Davis /

Fans. The audience. Live crowds. Supporters. There's many terms used to describe WWE viewers, and plenty of them were coined by the promotion itself.


But Vince McMahon and company aren't the only ones that have taken it upon themselves to nickname the group of people that fill the arena seats and watch the WWE television programs. Whether it was bestowed upon the audience as a term of endearment or violently flung at them as a measure of disrespect, many WWE superstars have come up with their own pet name to describe their fans over the years, and the good ones tied-in in with their own character or gimmick.

Babyfaces and heels alike, up and down the card were willing to uniquely label their fans (or in some cases, detractors). Hulk Hogan had his "Hulkamaniacs", Y2J had the "Jerichoholics", and Jerry Lawler had the "peons", but for every great name like these, there's several other terms that just fall flat.

While some fans may like being grouped under these categories, there are a number of wrestling nicknames that are pretty terrible. Whether it came from the office or from the performers themselves, these ten brutal monikers will have you begging to simply be called 'a fan'.

10. Roman Empire

Let's start with the most recent: WWE's reigning champion and top babyface hopeful, Roman Reigns.


While it's unlikely that Roman himself coined the phrase used to describe his fans, it doesn't make it any less lame. A marketing strategy seen coming a mile away, the Roman Empire is the name that some corporate team likely came up with as a way to brand the group of Reigns' supporters, disappointingly few as they may be.

The Roman Empire historically refers to a period of time that took pace during the Roman civilization in which emperors ruled the land. This was a period that went as far back to 100 BC and lasted until 400 AD. What this has to do with WWE superstar Roman Reigns is embarrassingly simple: his first name.

That's it. And it's not even his real first name.

The real-life Joe Anoa'i has no known ties to this period of time and had he been gimmicked something else by the NXT Name Generator, this nickname for the fans would've stayed where it belongs: eternal purgatory.
