10 Awful Nicknames Given To WWE Fans Over The Years

9. Yes Nation

Roman Reigns Fans

While there are exceptions to the rule, since the late-2000s, it's pretty safe to say that any grouping of individuals that have been labeled a "nation" is not only derivative and unoriginal, but also tired and lame.

The groundswell of fan support for Bryan that famously grew in 2013 is what WWE branded the "Yes Movement". Could WWE not have come up with a better name for Bryan's supporters than the "Yes Nation", the same relative name that they branded the "movement"?

The company has recently used the same approach with the former Uhaa Nation, now Apollo Crews, and the 'Apollo Nation', but at least there're ties to the former NXT superstar's prior name. With Bryan, WWE showed their lack of creativity by coining the "Yes Nation" shortly after the "Yes Movement". How original.

Let's also not forget how WWE already had the Cenation, the term given to supporters of John Cena. There should've been more motivation to differentiate.

Ignoring how lame the "(insert name here) Nation" strategy of branding was even in 2013, for WWE, where they're hardly on the cutting edge of what's cool, it's still pretty bad.

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Roman Reigns
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A former stuntman for Paramount Pictures, Matt enjoys sports, water skiing, driving fast, the beach, professional wrestling, technology, and scotch. At the same time, whenever possible. Having attended many famous (and infamous) shows including WrestleMania XV, In Your House: Mind Games, and the 1995 King of the Ring, Matt has been a lifelong professional sports and wrestling fan. Matt's been mentioned in numerous wrestling podcasts including the Steve Austin Show: Unleashed, Talk Is Jericho, and Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard. As a former countywide performer, Matt has been referred to as Mr. 300 for his amazing accomplishments in the world of amateur bowling. He is also the only man on record to have pitched back-to-back no hitters in the Veterans Stadium Wiffle Ball League of 2003.