10 Brilliant Things From Late WCW

Forget Russo. Forget the fingerpoke. Relive some of the genuine good stuff.

By Andrew Soucek /


World Championship Wrestling essentially died on March 26, 2001. That was the the date of the last episode of Monday Nitro. At that point, the show was a sad shell of what it used to be in its glory days. Long gone were the packed arenas, the seas of nWo merchandise and record television ratings. What we last saw before WCW's demise was a show aired on a beach that people didn’t even have to pay to get into.


While the consensus seems to be that WCW was unsalvageable during its last couple years of existence, there were a few bright spots in all of that darkness. The thing is, though, most fans missed it. They gave up after Goldberg’s streak ended, or took off post-Fingerpoke of Doom or quit watching wrestling altogether when Hugh Morrus changed his name to Hugh G. Rection.

It was probably for the best that most people didn’t suffer what came after all that.


Everyone knows about the nWo, and the Cruiserweight Division and Sting's transformation, but we’re going to look at the company's great moments and characters from 1999 until the end in March of '01. Again, the product was largely not good, to be incredibly polite about it, but there were a few truly enjoyable things that went down which millions of fans missed out on completely. We’ll try to remedy that a bit.

Here are 10 genuinely great things from the dying days of WCW.
