10 Coolest Wrestlers In WCW History

Forget Glacier, these are WCW's coolest badasses!

By Erik Beaston /

In hindsight, finding something cool about WCW may be easier said than done. The Ted Turner-owned company was almost always family-friendly entertainment, with only a brief period of time following the advent of the New World Order truly pushing the envelope and inspiring the awe of the fan base.


Upon a closer look, though, there were plenty of stars one could consider "cool" that came out of once-great promotion.

From undefeated phenomenons to brooding icons, they were competitors that stood out among the groan-inducing Glaciers, Creative Controls and Misfits in Action. For a number of reasons, they were perceived to be awesome, cool, hip and any other adjective straight out of the 1990s that one could possible conjure.

With the WWE Network finally releasing every episode of Nitro ever for your viewing pleasure, relive this journey through wrestling history with these, the 10 coolest wrestlers in WCW history.

10. Vader

One look at Vader does not necessarily summon thoughts of coolness but the big man earns his place on this list courtesy of a smash mouth style that left opponents with broken bones and battered bodies. The athleticism he displayed for a man of his size captivated viewers while his sheer brutality made him an entertaining ass-kicker.


Whether he was making mincemeat of Sting, turning Cactus Jack's insides into jelly or introducing Hulkamania to his vaunted powerbomb, Vader was cool because of the way he barreled over opponents like a wrecking ball (Miley Cyrus not included).

He was very much The Beast Incarnate way before Brock Lesnar tossed John Cena around the squared circle with 16 German suplexes and fans ate it up. Those tired of the cliched, smiling babyface could find solace in The Mastadon and his brand of violence, making him a true alternative during the first-half of the 1990s.
