10 Current WWE Wrestlers Stupidly Underutilized 

The cream doesn't always rise to the top... sorry Randy.

By Dalton C. Wickett /

One of the most consistently baffling things to witness within the WWE is watching just how much talent flies completely under the radar. Their roster isn't just massive; it's packed with some of the best that the world of professional wrestling has to offer.


And yet, a guy like Brock Lesnar held onto the Universal Championship for 504 days.

This isn't to knock Lesnar specifically, but on a roster that features Seth Rollins, Finn Bálor, Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens, and Braun Strowman, you think they could be handling their talent a bit better. The sad part is, those bigger names were the ones who actually lucked out. While they weren't being used to their full potential, at least they were still being used.

You'd expect the lower tiers of WWE's personnel to be nothing more than jobbers and filler, but the talent down there is actually top-notch as well. You wouldn't know it though, because WWE treats them all as if they really are nothing more than just jobbers and filler.

10. Tye Dillinger

Why is Tye babysitting R-Truth?


One of the most over men to come out of NXT, Tye Dillinger is one of the rare cases where someone is so popular that they actually make an entirely new crowd chant. Austin gave us "What?", Bryan gave us "Yes!", and Dillinger managed to give us "Ten!". Whenever a referee starts counting someone out, large portions of the crowd still change every number to “ten!”. That’s over.

Despite this, Tye currently finds himself keeping R-Truth in line by trying to prevent him from physically assaulting Carmella. On SmackDown Live! recently, Tye literally said to the camera "this is my life now" before chasing after the Truth. If they want to pair up Truth and Dillinger for some comedy, fine, but can Tye at least still be an active wrestler at the same time too?

Believe it or not, this placement was coincidental. While Tye is certainly a talented individual, he belongs at the bottom of this list for now... it just happens to be a top ten list... you're welcome.
